Tag Archives for " new hire kits "

How to Upgrade your Onboarding with New Hire Kits

Arrow Promotional is dedicated to making creative and unique onboarding kits that perfectly represent your company. There are tons of products you can choose to include in your kit, here are a few of our favorite new hire items!


Instagramable Swag Ideas for New Employee Desks and Welcome Kits

When it comes to welcoming your newest employee on their first day, you want to make them feel special and like they are part of the team ASAP. Showing off your company culture as soon as your latest hire steps into their new office with decorations and swag will get you started on the right foot. Check […]

Arrow Promotional - Recruitment 2

Get Creative With Your Recruitment

As you’re recruiting with promotional products, you’re increasing your brand awareness among your target market and getting them interested and excited about your company. Read to learn more about how you can use swag in the recruitment process!


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