Category Archives for "Sales"

Trendy Earth Day Essentials

Earth day is quickly approaching and what better way to celebrate our Earth than with eco-friendly promotional products? Check out our favorite eco-friendly products!


Tips for Choosing the Best Holiday Gifts for Clients and Employees

The holiday season is a great time to show your clients and employees how much you appreciate them, and what better way to do that than with a gift? Holiday gifts express appreciation, and show the recipient how much they are valued.  As a result, they are likely to maintain a positive perception of your […]


Case Study: Holiday Gift

Project Goal: Each and every day, Arrow Promotional focuses various efforts to engage and retain our customers. During the holiday season, however, we like to go above and beyond to express our customer appreciation.Project Theme: For the 2016 holiday season, we prepared an epic gift for  our most loyal and valued customers. The gift was comprised of various items […]


This year, think custom!

This year, think custom! Don’t want to give the same “cookie cutter” gift as last year? Create something custom! And in case we havn’t met… Hi! 👋🏽 We’re Arrow Promotional. Nice to meet you! We’re a small company with worldwide reach. Our goal is to create close and long-lasting relationships with customers looking for FRESH […]


Increase Client Retention with Custom Gifts

Once we gain a client, we want to keep that client, right? For some businesses, this isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It takes strategy, organization and drive to manage these relationships to ensure that your client comes back to you time and time again. According to the Harvard Business School, increasing customer retention rates by 5 percent increases profits by 25 percent to 95 percent. Even the lower end of that number is considerable, and well worth striving for. There are a number of strategies for retaining clients, and one of the most important ones is reciprocity.


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