Happy Employee Appreciation Day!

Arrow Promotional, Employee Appreciation Day, Employee Appreciation, Employees, Promotional Products, Corporate Gifts, Employee Gifts

In a study by the American Psychological Association,

  • 93% of participants who reported feeling valued in their workplace said that they are motivated to do their best at work and 88% reported feeling engaged. Comparatively, just 33% and 38% of those said they do not feel valued.
  • Among employees who reported feeling valued, just 21% of them said they intend to look for a new job in the next year, as opposed to the 50% of those who don’t feel valued and intend to look for a job in the next year.

Clearly feeling appreciated in the workplace is important for employee engagement and retention. Additionally, employee appreciation should be shown on a regular basis, not just today. So how do we let employees know that we appreciate them?

  1. Start from the Beginning–Welcome them
    • Make sure employees feel welcome when they first start. Onboarding is the first impression of how employers treat and appreciate their employees. In addition to having a comprehensive orientation program, many employers provide their new hires with an onboarding kit– a package with items that an employee will find useful when doing their job, as well as company swag.

  1. Implement an “Employee of the Month” Program.
    • This will help make showing employee appreciation a regular thing. And, if you have your staff vote for the employee of the month, it will promote showing appreciation among peers as well! A great incentive for this program would be to include a reward for the winner each month.


  1. Celebrate Big and Small Accomplishments
    • Positive reinforcement in the workplace is beneficial for both the employees and your company as a whole. It boosts your employees’ morale and encourages them to continue performing well and/or to perform better. Whether in a meeting, in an email to the company, through a small gift, or another creative way, your employees will love the recognition.


  1. Employee Gifts
    • For occasions like holidays, employee birthdays, or anniversaries, give a gift! Big or small, it will show that you are thinking about them on their special day or during the holiday season.


  1. Company Retreat
    • Send your employees on a business retreat to provide a well-deserved break as a reward for working hard. You can also incorporate training, personal development, or team building into this experience. Make the retreat an event! Send your team off with some branded t-shirts or any other products they might find useful.

  1. Say “thank you”
    • The most simple, but often overlooked way to show your employees that you appreciate them is by telling them. A simple “thank you” goes a long way, so be sure to thank your employees for their daily efforts.

There are so many ways to show your gratitude. It doesn’t matter if the gesture is big or small–the important thing is that your employees know you value them. This boost in morale will not only make your employees happier, but will also improve employee performance. So, in the end, everyone wins!

Are you celebrating Employee Appreciation Day? Show us! Post on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, tag us and use the hashtag #ArrowEmployeeAppreciation!



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