What is a BankerBag?

A BankerBag is a high-quality, custom-designed tote or duffel that features your company’s logo and brand colors. Giving BankerBags to clients and high-performing teams is a time-honored tradition in the financial and banking worlds.

Our expert design team will help you choose from dozens of canvas, trim and color options to create a BankerBag that truly represents your company or organization. A high-visibility decorating option, such as an embroidered logo or an embossed leather path, transforms a top-notch canvas  bag into a special representation of your brand.


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BankerBags US
Tel: (646) 395-5427
Email: Info@BankerBags.com

BankerBags UK
Tel: 078 13 906 648
Email: Enquiries@BankerBags.com

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